Marketing professionals; Marketing meeting

About Us

Our mission is to elevate the field of marketing by advocating for and by providing training and resources to business professionals.

What makes AMLR unique

We are first and foremost an advocate for marketing professionals. Our goal isn’t profit, it’s to help you succeed, it’s to help make better marketers, it’s to improve the perception of the marketing profession.

For more information check out our blog article announcing the launch of AMLR.

Marketing Professional

A need recognized

Marketing is an incredibly diverse profession ranging from specialized channel marketers to P&L owners with a broad strategic view of the business.  That diversity extends to professional and academic backgrounds. The result is a wide array of foundational marketing knowledge.

AMLR seeks to help marketers gain the essential and foundational knowledge that will lead to success and elevate their careers. We have done this by creating a comprehensive certification program.  

The AMLR-PME certification program is designed for three segments of business or soon-to-be business professionals.

  • Junior and mid-level marketing professionals
  • Students and recent business school graduates
  • Non-marketing business professionals

See the articles linked below to learn more about why the Association of Marketing Leadership & Rigor was launched and the founder’s approach to solving the professional need. 

The AMLR-PME program was amazing! I feel like my ability to contribute & my growth potential have advanced tremendously.
David O.
Senior marketing manager

Learn more about the AMLR-PME certification