AMLR Certification

The AMLR-PME (Association of Marketing Leadership & Rigor – Practical Marketing Essentials) is a compressive marketing certification program that delivers essential skills and knowledge. It's the program designed to help you elevate your career.

Elevate your career

Become more marketable

The AMLR-PME certification demonstrates to hiring managers that you’ve invested in yourself and possess a comprehensive set of skills and knowledge sought by any organization.

Ace interviews

The skills and expertise you gain by completing this program will help you leverage your experiences to thoughtfully answer questions.

Accelerate growth

The frameworks and tools in the program will provide you with the strategic foundation needed to create better marketing plans, achieve better results, and be a recognized thought leader.

The AMLR-PME certification process

Simple as 1-2-3, all on your schedule

Read the Practical Marketing Essentials textbook

Master the content by utilizing the optional study materials

Take the certification exam

What you will learn

The program content is structured in four parts. Each builds on the last starting from the foundational psychology behind marketing to ending with how to effectively lead a team that will successfully execute the marketing strategy.


The foundation for success

Includes topics from the 4Ps to human needs to customer segmentation to brand strategy to product marketing.


Business planning

Learn about building a sound strategy and many of the commonly used assessment frameworks. You’ll become knowledgeable about how to conduct sound marketing research.


Executing the plan

Gain knowledge about campaign development, design, promotional strategies, success KPIs (key performance indicators), plus even how to best engage with agencies.


Leading the business

Get acquainted with company financial statements, owning a P&L, plus learn to effectively lead, present and communicate in today’s business environment.

The program bundles offer access to additional content including interview prep, a resume guide, and skill-building tutorials.

The AMLR certification advantage

Best information

The AMLR-PME program does not focus on promoting a brand, a framework, or a methodology. It purposefully covers a variety of the most respected frameworks so that you are knowledgeable of the options available to you so that you can use whichever you feel is most effective.


Many certifications focus on a specific task or are broad as though they are a replacement for a marketing degree. The AMLR-PME program was designed to complement your business knowledge and experience. The information is comprehensive but does not dwell on the basics.

Valued certification

This is not a rubber stamp certification, it will test your understanding. And when you pass, you’ll be proud you’ve earned it! You’ll also improve your standing with recruiters and hiring managers.

Built for the real-world

This program was developed by marketing professionals currently working in the real world, not by academics. It focuses on the concepts and tools that will positively impact your daily work.

Lasting value

The program materials can act as a reference guide for you throughout your career. As you work on projects such as annual planning, writing a business plan, preparing for a product launch, and more. The AMLR-PME program materials will serve as a guide for years to come.

AMLR certification program format

Included in the program

The program is based on the Practical Marketing Essentials book. It is available in both hardcover and eBook format. The certification exam is always recommended but is optional. We offer different bundles that include other useful tools such as flash cards, skill-building tutorials, interview prep, and resume best practices.

AMLR certification seal

The certification exam

The AMLR-PME certification demonstrates your knowledge. This is not a give us your money and automatically get your certification program. To pass the exam you must score an 80% or above. When you receive your certification it’s worth celebrating, it’s a badge of honor.

Self-paced and flexible

We know the pressures of every day, whether you’re a business professional or a student getting ready for graduation and hunting for the perfect job. The AMLR-PME program is self-paced, the information can be accessed digitally or on paper. The exam is virtually proctored so you may schedule it on your terms.

Get started today