Marketing certification

Marketing Certification

The top 2 reasons to get marketing certified:

  1. To gain the skills and knowledge that will help you advance your career faster.
  2. To enhance your resume and become a more attractive candidate.

Which marketing certification is best?

There is no single best marketing certification, there are certifications built for different needs that commonly fit into one of two categories.

Broad and back to basics

These certifications are comprehensive in nature, cover the basics that you would encounter during a marketing undergrad program. They are often very expensive costing several thousand dollars or more.

Specific topic or skill building

There are thousands of specialized certifications now available. They can range from digital marketing to Google Analytics, to expertise in writing customer needs statements.

The need for a standardized marketing certification

Currently, there is no widely recognized marketing certification that demonstrates a minimum level of proficiency across the broad spectrum of marketing responsibilities. The AMLR-PME certification was created to provide the needed professional standard.  

Lack of rigor

Many marketing certifications often lack the requirement of passing an exam to demonstrate proficiency. They are built to offer the ability to quickly learn a concept but fail to demand proof of mastery.

Lack of recognition

Due to the general lack of rigor and the proliferation of marketing certifications, many are not recognized by recruiters or hiring managers as holding substantial value. 

The AMLR-PME certification

The AMLR-PME (Association of Marketing Leadership & Rigor – Practical Marketing Essentials) certification was created to move the marketing profession toward a new standard of quality and rigor that does not currently exist.

The AMLR certification difference

It starts with the AMLR mission...

To elevate the field of marketing by advocating for and by providing training and resources to business professionals.

Comprehensive done right

The program provides a holistic package of skills and knowledge you will use daily as a marketer. It builds on the knowledge that you have from experience and prior coursework. The information is distilled down to maximize efficiency.

Best information

The AMLR-PME program does not focus on promoting its brand, a single framework, or methodology. It purposefully covers a variety of the best and most respected tools so that you are equipped to elevate your career.

Real-world focus

This program was developed by marketing professionals currently working in the real world, not by academics. The concepts in the program will immediately prove useful in your day-to-day role.

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