Student and Graduates

The AMLR-PME (Association of Marketing Leadership & Rigor – Practical Marketing Essentials) program and certification is designed to set you up for rapid career growth.

Three ways the AMLR-PME fuels your success

Get your resume noticed

The AMLR-PME certification was built to provide you the skills and knowledge to excel within any organization. The certification indicates to recruiters and hiring managers that you are a serious marketing professional who is ready to contribute.

Ace the interview

Hiring managers want candidates that understand marketing concepts, who can think strategically, and will hit the ground running. The AMLR-PME program is comprehensive, it covers topics ranging from human behavior, to strategy planning, to executing a campaign.

Lead from day one

Traditional marketing courses are often theoretical and fail to prepare you for the realities of marketing in the real world. The AMLR-PME program focuses on the skills and knowledge needed to be a valued and successful contributor from day one.

All product bundles include a FREE resume guide and a FREE interview guide.  

Is the AMLR-PME certification right for me?

For business students and graduates

The AMLR-PME program was designed for business undergraduates and MBA students. The program leverages your existing business background as a starting point and builds from there with a focus on the skills and knowledge utilized in the real world.

Self-paced & flexible

The program is self-paced, go as fast or as slow as you like. It was designed with efficiency in mind. The information and concepts are distilled down to be delivered concisely while also being fully comprehensive.

Get started today