Terms and Conditions

Refund policy

Refunds are accepted within 15 days of purchase. For hardcover book purchases, only returns of new condition books will be accepted. Shipping costs will be deducted for refunds of orders that include a hardcover book. 

Refund requests will not be accepted if the purchaser has accessed or completed the certification exam. 

Certification exam policy

The Association of Marketing Leadership & Rigor Practical Marketing Essentials (AMLR-PME) certification exam is a virtually proctored exam. The exam has a 120 minute maximum duration and must be taken in a single session. To take the exam an official form of identification with a picture such as a driver’s license or passport must be shown. The computer used to take the exam must have an active camera and microphone for the entire duration of the exam.

A passing score is 80 or more correct answers out of 100 questions.

Any instances of suspected cheating will be reviewed. If it is determined by the reviewers that the test taker cheated or exhibited behavior that is consistent with cheating, the exam will be disqualified and be considered a failure. All instances of disqualification will be reviewed, and the AMLR retains the right to deny any disqualified test taker from attempting the certification exam again. 

Referral policy, Including AMLR Ambassadors

Referrers will be given a unique promo code that will be used as a method to track the sales attributed to the referrer. Only purchases of product bundles qualify for the referral program. 

The reward for a referral is 10% of the sales price, excluding taxes and shipping. The maximum reward amount per calendar year is $600 USD. A contractor agreement between the referrer and the AMLR is possible in which the $600 maximum is no longer relevant. 

Any returned purchases will not qualify for a referral reward. The reward will be paid out within 90-days of the purchase. The reward will be made in the form of an Amazon gift card that is electronically delivered to the referrer’s email address. The AMLR may group multiple rewards onto a single gift card. 

Recruiter referral policy

Recruiters will be given a unique promo code that will be used as a method to track the sales attributed to the referrer. Only purchases of product bundles qualify for the referral program. 

The reward for a referral is 10% of the sales price, excluding taxes and shipping. The maximum reward amount per calendar year is $600 USD. A contractor agreement between the referrer and the AMLR is possible in which the $600 maximum is no longer relevant. 

Any returned purchases will not qualify for a referral reward. The reward will be paid out within 90-days of the purchase. The reward will be made in the form of an Amazon gift card that is electronically delivered to the referrer’s email address. The AMLR may group multiple rewards onto a single gift card.